Apples, Spice, and everything nice!

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One week into September! Apple harvest is underway and with the temperatures dropping a few degrees this week we can almost believe that fall is really here! 

In the Farmhouse Bakery there is no doubt as to what time of year it is. For in that busy little room, the aroma of “apples and spice and everything nice” is filling the air from before dawn until almost dusk. Apples are being peeled, spices are being mixed and each morning, almost as if by magic, the shelves are piled high with delicious products. Let me tell you a little bit of the story of one of my favourite places on the farm.

In 1996, we purchased our first oven, hired a baker, and the Farmhouse Bakery, formally known as the “Apple Crate Bakery” was born. I remember Pat, our first baker (who still lives in Vernon and can often be found at the art gallery), as someone who was always kind to us kids, had an exemplary work ethic, and made some mighty flaky pie pastry. She got our bakery off to the right start and the tradition of the Davison Apple Pie began. All these years later our apple pie recipe hasn’t changed. Since Pat, we have had the privilege of working with a myriad of talented and hardworking head bakers: Mirso, Gary, Ralphena, Erin, Jenn and our current head baker, Megan. Each one has contributed, in no small part, to the history and evolution of our bakery. Nana, of course, has always been found alongside these leaders, encouraging them, doing her fair share of quality control, and adding more family recipes along the way. From an early age I have always migrated towards the bakery, and I can still say it is one of my favorite places on the farm. I find satisfaction, both in my home and at work, in baking delicious treats for others to enjoy; I think it’s even more fun than eating it myself! Carrying on the torch that Nana held for so many years is such a privilege, although admittedly those are big shoes to fill.

At this time of year the focus in the bakery is apples, because after all, ‘tis the season at Davison Orchards! Some of the seasonal treats that are made for September are Nana’s Apple Slice, a classic recipe of Nana Davison’s, as well as a caramel drizzled, crumble topped apple slice! We’ve got Apple Streusel Muffins, Nana’s Apple Bread, Apple Cutie Pies and of course Davison Apple Pie and Apple Crumble Pie.

With apple harvest underway it’s a pretty spectacular time to visit the farm. If you come soon, you can still see the orchard while the trees are laden with their ripe fruit. When the sun hits the Bella Vista hillsides just right, you can see the different varieties and their respective colors shining in the sun. It is absolutely spectacular. 


This month we have u-pick apples running Wednesday through Sunday and we are open every day from 9am to 5pm. Don’t miss out on trying a few of those apple treats from the bakery!


Looking forward to seeing you there,


For the Family 

Learn to make this quick and easy snack with Laura & Levi!

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Apple Facts


Goodbye Summer & Hello Apples!