Job description: Assistant Production Manager 


This position works in a variety of areas on the farm in support roles, leadership roles and everything in between. The responsibilities change with the seasons and require an individual who is flexible and able to take direction, as well as step into a leadership role. While this position works primarily in the field and processing, it requires an individual who is excited to work with a team of people, as well as with the public who visit our farm. This is a great career opportunity for the successful applicant.

Winter  December - February    

  • Equipment and building maintenance 

  • Pruning  

  • Further education: i.e.. conferences, day classes on irrigation, spraying, plant nutrition etc.

Spring  March - May

  • Crop management: scouting, spraying, nutrition. 

  • Greenhouse: seeding, watering, monitoring.

  • Tractor work: spraying, mowing, field prep. 

  • Field Crew Management: working with and overseeing our seasonal workers.

  • Irrigation construction and maintenance  

  • Landscape projects

Summer  June - August  

  • Crop management: scouting, spraying, nutrition.

  • Crew Management: working with and overseeing our seasonal workers.

  • Tractor work: spraying, mowing, bin movement, prep for harvest. 

  • Trucking: local deliveries and pickups, farm to farm logistics operating 5 ton and truck and trailer.

  • Packing: early apples, peaches, most vegetables are in season, forklift operation.

  • Irrigation maintenance and monitoring

  • Retail support: tours, produce barn, maintenance, etc.  

Fall   Sept - November

  • Packing: Management and Packing shed operations (from Sept to Oct). 

  • Tractor work: field and orchard clean up in preparation for winter cultivation, weed, spraying etc.

  • Weekends: weekends are all hands on deck and could be used on many fronts at the farm from tour driver, parking cars to packing fruit and everything in-between (from Sept to Oct).  

  • Juice production: oversight and operation management (from Oct to Nov). 

We understand that in season we are going to work long and hard days. We are flexible in the winter months and expect to take some,  short days, cold days, snow days, etc.

The successful candidate will develop technical, and horticultural skills as it relates to pest management and crop nutrition as well as all the aspects of irrigation management.