The Family Tradition

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I come from a relatively traditional background. The food we ate was very much the same as what my grandparents ate, which was the same as their parents, which was the same as their parents … you get the idea. Our holiday celebrations were the same every year. Our back-to-school treats never changed. Every year the milestone celebrations were predictable, as were the daily routines. My mom often gets teased to this day for being the inventor of endless traditions!
As a child, I did not appreciate all of this tradition. I thought my life was quite boring and lacked variation. Why couldn’t my family be more spontaneous? The older I get, however, the more I see the value of tradition. Having solid family routines, including everything from the daily food on the table, to the once-a-year celebrations, keeps us grounded. It gives us a sense of who we are and where we have come from. It gives us some understanding of, and pride for our heritage. It gives us common ground with people from similar backgrounds. I am very thankful to my parents for keeping many traditions alive, and for making new ones unique to us; I hope to do the same for my children. 
A Fall Tradition - How Tall This Fall?

On August 27th and 28th I’d like to invite you to join me for one of my families traditions: eating watermelon and Roll Kuchen! On these two days only, come to the farm for an all-you-can-eat watermelon and Roll Kuchen feast from 3-6pm. If you are unsure of what this is, you can watch the attached video where Betti and I talk about our memories around this traditional food. And just maybe, this event will become a new tradition of your own!

Rachel with her mom, Verna & sister Holly

See you there, 
Rachel, for the family

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